Competition in the short term power market analyser tool.
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When it comes to analyzing the power market and trade, heterogeneity and vastness of data sources makes it enormously difficult to interpret and evaluate the market. In this new scenario of constant change and fragmented value chains, the ability to optimize the process flows and business intelligence between wholesale trading, generation, and retail activity will become a key differentiator and a source of competitive advantage. We, at Elekore, are constantly working on creating a one stop solution for our clients. One such move taken, to ease the efforts and time of our clients, is COMPSTA.
A tool developed for the analysis of free power available with the competitors, for a state’s procurement bid, with a price analysis to take the first mover advantage.
Using algorithms to forecast the future demand-supply scenario in the electricity market and predicting the possible outages and the upcoming plants that affect the energy availability in the market, helping our clients in having an edge over their competitors.